To Join Your business must find people ah?
Err, All Business find people lah…
Nasi Lemak Biz, find people to eat
Baking Biz, find people to buy cake
Clothes Biz, find people to buy clothes
Training Biz, find people to attend the trainings
Only Zoo Biz find Monkeys …
Even Zoo must find people to be Zookeepers
So yes,
To do Biz Must Find People
To Work also Must Employ People not Monkeys
So What exactly are you asking?
Or You just want to Dump Money Shake Leg?
Then Go Travel into Some Galaxy …
Hmm even there must find people
I'm Not in the Monkey Biz,
So if you don't want to find people
and want to find Monkeys apply somewhere else …
With Love,
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