Answer honestly: how much do you control your own life? Can you call yourself a person who achieves a set goal? Are your goals rather like pipe dreams? Do not you think that you just go with the flow?
It might also seem to you that it is impossible to influence the world around: if the troubles happened in the past, they will certainly persecute you in the future. However, how true is this position? You surely feel a kind of fatalism here. It’s true because agreeing that you still cannot achieve high goals due to different circumstances (age, negative experience, financial position, physical abilities, inability to attract, etc.), you destroy your life with your own hands today.
A negative attitude is the main stumbling block on the way to realizing absolutely any goal, no matter how ambitious it is. Can you somehow overcome this? Psychologists offer some useful exercises.
Make a list of "TOP-100 goals."
You will easily specify the first 15-25 positions. What about the remaining 75-85 goals? They will make you think hard and look at your life from a different angle. That's why this is a very good and useful exercise.
It is highly desirable to write by hand, rather than type on the computer, you will be able to concentrate better. List all your goals and dreams that you have ever had, starting with the simplest to the impressive ones. Include the development of your personal qualities (self-confidence, a timbre of voice, etc.), and the desire to travel to distant countries with a beloved one, etc. The number of goals should be exactly 100, nothing more, nothing less.
Visualize 2-3 goals.
Looking at the impressive list, choose 2-3 most realistic points and start imagining how this can be achieved. Imagine a life in which the goal has already been realized. The more details there are, the better. For a better visualization effect, experts suggest making a mood board and sticking pictures with the image of your ideal life on it. For example, snowboarding, buying a house in the mountains, a wedding, etc.
Finish the phrases.
Very often, dreams remain dreams because you allow them this, saying, "This is too incredible (unrealistic, difficult to achieve)." You lose heart when it comes to your most intimate dreams. Try, as far as possible, to discard prejudices and finish these stimulating phrases.
1. If I had a lot of free time, I would ...
2. If I knew for sure that I would succeed, then I would do ...
3. If I had a lot of money, I would ...
4. If I did not care about the opinion of other people, I would do ...
5. If I suddenly got a huge inheritance, I would ...
Answer exactly what you really want. This does not necessarily have to be something extraordinary, but you should want it with all your heart.
Take the first and second steps.
It’s not so difficult to take the first step thanks to your initial motivation, but the second step is a million times more difficult. Sometimes, the gap between the first two steps is so huge that it’s possible to forget about the goal. Having made a timid first step, find the courage to make another one. For example, if you decide to get acquainted with a beautiful girl, you should at least register on a dating site and start communicating.
Record the results, rest and thank yourself.
This might be the most important point. To record the results means to keep your own success diary, where you will write down your achievements weekly. To rest is to allow yourself to take breaks, during which you absolutely will not think about the goal. Finally, the final action is to thank yourself and reward for each achieved goal.
With Love,
#Sofinah696 💕
Follow my instagram ; @sofinah696, @jejakmoment, @sopheestudio, @sopheericher, @sillywonk, @sopheesurrealism
2 Kata-kata Dari Teman:
salam..hi sofie..
yaya ni.bru follow satu blog n insta sofie ni..?semua aktif ye?
Wassalam. Hi yaya... Instagram saya banyak. Hahaha... semua aktif tapi paling aktif @sofinahlamudin. Thanks singgah sini yaya :D My main blog is :D
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